[Much of this I have not yet seen the primary documents to confirm, so I am using secondary sources for the description]
By May of 1771 the London Evening Post had reported that more than £60,000 had been wagered on if d’Eon was a man or woman. D’Eon had refused to weigh in on the matter neither confirming or denying her sex. This refusal to respond led many to believe she was involved in the scheme and was profiting on the wagers taking place.
Apparently on the 23rd of March he challenged one of the brokers to a duel. D’Eon was calmed and the duel did not happen. Late in May, she then “disappeared” as reported in Gentleman’s Magazine. This stoked more of the flames about her being a part of the scheme, as this would eventually render the bets “null and void” since they would never find the answer.
D’Eon returned in June, and swore at London City Hall that he had nothing to do with it. She did not, however, confirm her sex. Her sex would still be wagered on until 1777 when two of them men who bet on her gender sued each other so the court would have to make a determination. The court stated that d’Eon was a woman.
This document refers to the rumors that she was part of the brokers scheme to make money on the wager of her sex.